10 Internet Marketing Ideas For Your Local Business

small-business-internet-marketing-tipsAre you the owner of a small business such as a clothing boutique, lawyer, dentist, plumber, or restaurant? If so, we have Internet marketing tips tailored specifically for small businesses like yours.

In this article, we discuss ten proven Internet marketing ideas to get new customers and clients for your local small business in 2016.

Our small business marketing tips assume only two things:  (1) You have an existing website and (2) you prominently display your local name, address, and phone numbers (NAP) on your website.  These two things are essentially for local small business online success.

With those two things in place, let’s have a look at 10 small business marketing tips that you can use to beat the local competition.Read More

Guest Author10 Internet Marketing Ideas For Your Local Business

Marketing Strategies: Digital vs. Traditional Marketing


Businesses wouldn’t thrive without advertising. If you are a new business owner, your choices can be overwhelming. Advertising media has different types: traditional – print, radio – and the newer version that is taking everyone by storm – digital – or thru the Internet.

Before you decide on what is applicable and appropriate for your business, let us consider the similarities and differences of digital and traditional marketing.Read More

Guest AuthorMarketing Strategies: Digital vs. Traditional Marketing