The Google Search Console currently says that “Indexing requests are currently suspended” when you submit your new or revised content to be indexed.
The graphic that you may see looks like this:
Answers to Content Marketing Questions
The Google Search Console currently says that “Indexing requests are currently suspended” when you submit your new or revised content to be indexed.
The graphic that you may see looks like this:
If you are a user of the WordPress X Theme, it can be a little bit complicated to setup Google Tag Manager if you have never done it. But fear not, I shall make it very easy.
The reason that it can be complicated to setup Google Tag Manager with the WordPress X theme is because the Google Tag Manager code must be added in two places — the head section and directly below the opening body tag, as you see in the photo below:
In this post, I am going to show you how to temporarily and permanently reset your MySQL server from strict mode back to forgiving mode using WHM so that your old, legacy code will work once again.
What happened? What is MySQL strict mode and why are your “Updates” and “Inserts” no longer working?
In this article, we’re going to show you how to remove the www prefix from your WordPress domain.
And, just as importantly, we’ll talk about why you may want to do this and what the ramifications may be. For instance, will you lose all of your current traffic?
In this quick how-to post, I’m going to show you how to like a Facebook page as your business page in two easy steps.
One of the main components of our social media software for small business is social media promotion. A key part of this strategy is to promote your Facebook page, which is done in part by reaching out to other Facebook pages through comments and likes.
You may have noticed that the “Fetch As Google” tool is gone in the new Google Search Console. In this post, I’ll tell (and show) you how to use the Fetch As Google tool in the new Google Search Console so that you can quickly index your content in Google.
Question: What is the best permalink structure for WordPress? My company has setup their WordPress permalink structure using a year/date structure and I don’t think that’s the ideal solution. What do you think?
Mary ~ Bethesda, Maryland
Mary, this is a great question and one that, ideally, is given proper consideration before companies setup their website.
However, as you are experiencing right now and as I have seen countless times, WordPress website owners do not give sufficient thought to this and they end up with a bad permalink structure that then needs to be fixed later on.
Question: I have been reading so much about how my website should be mobile-friendly. But, as a small business owner, I have little time to attend to my website. How can I quickly tell if my homepage and my entire site show up well on everyone’s mobile phone? It looks good on mine 🙂 Thanks, Barbara, Dallas, Texas
Who Buys Online?
Who buys products online in 2018?
This is a question that is too infrequently asked by people who try to sell online.
If you have a product that you are trying to sell online, it makes sense to first determine if your targeted audience is one who actually buys products online.
First, you absolutely need to find out if your product caters to those who buy online.
Secondly, to be an effective online advertiser, you need to know your advertising audience exactly! This will save you money and drastically improve the amount of people who actually buy your product.
But, how do you find this out?
In an article entitled “The surprising facts about who shops online and on mobile“, Cooper Smith attempted to find out the answer to this very question.
This topic was further researched in-depth in an article entitled The 19 Ecommerce Trends + 147 Online Shopping Stats Fueling Sales Growth in 2018 by Tracey Wallace.
The conclusions in these articles may surprise you.
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Question: I have noticed of late a “Get Shortlink” feature appearing in WordPress that provides a address for my WordPress posts. Could you please explain to me what this is and why I would use it? Thanks, Lisa, Tuscson, Az
This is possible…if you know how to do it.
And, today, I’m going to tell you exactly how to get your new and updated web content immediately indexed (including new 2020 updates where I teach you How to Use Fetch As Google in the New Google Search Console).
Question: Hi there. I just tried to create a sub-domain of my domain and I received a message that said: “There was a problem creating the sub-domain: You do not have permission to create subdomains of the server’s hostname.“. I have pasted the exact error message below:
The Error Message
Question: Is there a way that I can publish to my WordPress blog from my Android phone? The reason I ask this is because I have become accustomed to talking out my posts instead of typing them and it would be great if I could do this for my WordPress posts :-). Currently, I talk out the post in my gmail and then email it to myself and copy and paste it to my blog but it would be really great if I could post directly to WordPress from my Samsung Android phone. Many thanks in advance! Lucy, Denver, Co
WordPress for Android: Post to WordPress from the Park or Anywhere
Question: Does Google+ offer a way to promote posts? I have had success in this arena with Facebook and LinkedIn and I would like to do the same for Google+. Possible? -Cecelia, Portland, OrRead More
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