Who Buys Online?
Who buys products online in 2018?
This is a question that is too infrequently asked by people who try to sell online.
If you have a product that you are trying to sell online, it makes sense to first determine if your targeted audience is one who actually buys products online.
First, you absolutely need to find out if your product caters to those who buy online.
Secondly, to be an effective online advertiser, you need to know your advertising audience exactly! This will save you money and drastically improve the amount of people who actually buy your product.
But, how do you find this out?
In an article entitled “The surprising facts about who shops online and on mobile“, Cooper Smith attempted to find out the answer to this very question.
This topic was further researched in-depth in an article entitled The 19 Ecommerce Trends + 147 Online Shopping Stats Fueling Sales Growth in 2018 by Tracey Wallace.
The conclusions in these articles may surprise you.
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